duminică, 11 iunie 2023

Retreat despre Chakre - 7-9 iulie 2023 - Chakras Retreat:

 Retreat despre Chakre - 7-9 iulie 2023 - Chakras Retreat (the announcement in english is below)



Va invit la un Retreat dedicat chakrelor energetice a fiintei umane, cu tot ce inseamna partea practica si teoretica pe acest subiect de actualitate si de interes la nivelul de spiritualitate actuala, pentru ca chakrele sunt subiecte atinse in orice practica spirituala si energetica.

Vom practica tehnici de hatha yoga, tehnici de respiratie - pranayama si tehnici de meditatie pe fiecare chakra, pornind de jos, de la chakra sacrala! Si vom dezbate mituri si intelegeri false sau juste despre chakre, despre dinamica functionarii chakrelor si chiar vom aborda si cele 12 nivele de trezire ale unei chakre explicate prin Sistemul Harmony Yoga si tehnici de Matrika Nyasa si de Yoga Petalelor Chakrelor!

Vom putea intelege si simti unde suntem cu trezirea fiecarei chakre, ce inseamna trezirea lui Kundalini in fiecare chakra, vom incepe sa intelegem circuitele noastre proprii, ce chakre le avem mai trezite si mai blocate si ce pasi imediati putem face, personalizat pentru fiecare dintre participanti!

Si vom putea in sfarsit intelege legatura directa intre energia unei chakre, starile aferente de constiinta, si sistemele corpului si cat putem trezi aceea chakra printr-o practica energetica de jos in sus si printr-o practica mantrica de sus in jos, folosind mantrele petalelor chakrelor! Se vor practica tehnici in premiera mondiala din practica Yogai si nivele care se mai practica foarte rar in lume la ora actula, in Himalaya si deloc in Europa.

Se vor practica si teste energetice pe chakre, dar si questionare despre chakre si incercam sa finalizam si Tarotul Chakrelor pana atunci! De asemenea se vor putea masura chakrele cu ajutorul Crownoscopului.

Daca nu ai informatia si tehnica corecta, atunci nu intelegi ce practici si nu ai motivatie si rezultate, nu simti si nu te trezesti, nu evoluezi si infloresti armonios! Cine intelege si incepe sa simta propriile chakre are o sansa sa inceapa sa practice o yoga vie, un nou nivel de constiinta si de energie, o stare de sanatate fizica si spirituala la cel mai inalt nivel al fiintei sale, intr-o armonie profunda cu propriul corp, cu intreaga natura si cu intregul univers!

In acest retreat, 7 - 9 iulie, de 3 zile vom putea aborda primele doua chakre, de jos in sus, iar in restul in urmatoarele retreaturilor din: 4-6 august si 1-3 septembrie! In Retreatul de la Eforie-Techirghiol din 7-13 august: https://fb.me/e/1IToeBtG4,  vom face o recapitulare si vom aborda si chakra coroanei!

Locurile sunt destul de limitate, de aceea se vor ocupa in ordinea achitarii unei prime taxe de inscriere, pana in data de 3 iulie 2023. Pentru straini se va oferi traducere in engleza.

In functie de doritori si posibilitati vom lua in calcul, daca sa se poata transmite participa si online. Ne rezervam dreptul de a ne alege participantii - cu cei care inca nu ne cunoastem, in urma unei discutii telefonice in prealabil.

 Organizator: Emanuel Enache, fondatorul Harmony Yoga Academy si al: Harmony Yoga, Harmony Massage,  Harmony Tantra, Harmony Vastu, Harmony Kundalini Yoga, Harmony Ayurvedic Rasayanas si fondatorul Sistemelor Armoniei Vietii. Practic Yoga de 32 de ani, de la 16 ani, am studiat Yoga cu maestrii din intreaga lume si cu swami din India, de la care am primit intierea pe linia de Kriya Yoga a lui Babaji. Am pregatit peste 50 de traineri de yoga si peste 20 de traineri de tantra in tara si in strainatate si am predat yoga la peste 1.000 de cursanti, avand peste 15.000 de ore de Yoga predate. Am diplome de yoga obtinute in U.K., India si S.U.A. Pe partea de Dezvoltare Personala detin diplome de formator si formator de formatori, cursul de dezvoltare personala, cursuri de NLP, curs de diagnostician intuitiv, cursuri de Profesional Relaxation Therapy, Thay Yoga Massage, Ayurveda, Astrologie, Terapie Subliminala, Cromoterapie, Binaural Therapy Music, Theta Healing si Mindfulness.


 Detalii si inscrieri la tel: 0724828949 sau prin mail: harmonyfounderyoga@gmail.com.



Emy Trainer Yoga on Instagram

https://www.facebook.com/groups/harmonyoga - Harmony Freedom Yoga

Emy Trainer Yoga pe Twitter

HARMONY YOGA ACADEMY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV7AA0p1etYpNdoiAGo8dow

SPIRIT TV & RADIO SPIRIT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwOCR7mkmolv7y48HqfAtqg

@EmyHarmony pe Telegram

Yoga On-Line: https://t.me/yogaonlineharmony

 Va asteptam cu drag! Namaste!


Retreat on Chakras - 7-9 july 2023 - Chakras Retreat

 I invite you to a Retreat dedicated to the energetic chakras of the human being, with all that the practical and theoretical part means on this topical and interesting topic at the level of current spirituality, because the chakras are topics touched upon in any spiritual and energetic practice.

We will practice hatha yoga techniques, breathing techniques - pranayama and meditation techniques on each chakra, starting from the bottom, from the sacral chakra! And we will debate myths and false or correct understandings about the chakras, about the dynamics of the functioning of the chakras and we will even address the 12 levels of awakening of a chakra explained by the Harmony Yoga System and Matrika Nyasa and Chakra Petals Yoga techniques!

We will be able to understand and feel where we are with the awakening of each chakra, what it means to awaken the Kundalini in each chakra, we will begin to understand our own circuits, which chakras we have more awakened and more blocked and what immediate steps we can take, personalized for each of the participants !

And we will finally be able to understand the direct connection between the energy of a chakra, the related states of consciousness, and the systems of the body and how we can awaken that chakra through an energetic practice from the bottom up and through a mantric practice from the top down, using the mantras of the petals chakras! We will practice techniques in the world premiere of Yoga practice and levels that are very rarely practiced in the world at this time, in the Himalayas and not at all in Europe.

There will also be energy tests on the chakras, but also questions about the chakras and we are trying to complete the Chakra Tarot by then! It will also be possible to measure the chakras with the help of the Crownoscope.

If you don't have the correct information and technique, then you don't understand what you're doing and you don't have motivation and results, you don't feel and you don't wake up, you don't evolve and flourish harmoniously! Who understands and begins to feel his own chakras has a chance to start practicing a living yoga, a new level of consciousness and energy, a state of physical and spiritual health at the highest level of his being, in deep harmony with own body, with the whole nature and with the whole universe!

In this retreat, July 7 - 9, for 3 days we will be able to approach the first two chakras, from bottom to top, and in the rest in the following retreats from: August 4-6 and September 1-3! In the Retreat from Eforie-Techirghiol from August 7-13: https://fb.me/e/1IToeBtG4, we will do a recapitulation and we will also address the crown chakra!

Places are quite limited, therefore they will be filled in the order of payment of a first registration fee, until July 3, 2023. Translation into English will be provided for foreigners.

Depending on the wishes and possibilities, we will take into account if it is possible to send the participation online. We reserve the right to choose our participants - with those who do not yet know each other, after a telephone discussion in advance.

 Organizer: Emanuel Enache, founder of Harmony Yoga Academy and of: Harmony Yoga, Harmony Massage, Harmony Tantra, Harmony Vastu, Harmony Kundalini Yoga, Harmony Ayurvedic Rasayanas and founder of Harmony Life Systems. I have been practicing Yoga for 32 years, from the age of 16, I studied Yoga with masters from all over the world and with swamis from India, from whom I received the initiation in Babaji's line of Kriya Yoga. I have trained over 50 yoga trainers and over 20 tantra trainers in the country and abroad and I have taught yoga to over 1,000 students, having taught over 15,000 hours of Yoga. I have yoga degrees obtained in the UK, India and the USA. On the Personal Development side, I hold trainer and trainer of trainers diplomas, personal development course, NLP courses, intuitive diagnostician course, Professional Relaxation Therapy courses, Thay Yoga Massage, Ayurveda, Astrology, Subliminal Therapy, Chromotherapy, Binaural Therapy Music , Theta Healing and Mindfulness.


 Details and registration by phone: 0724828949 or by email: harmonyfounderyoga@gmail.com.



Emy Trainer Yoga on Instagram

https://www.facebook.com/groups/harmonyoga - Harmony Freedom Yoga

Emy Yoga Trainer on Twitter

HARMONY YOGA ACADEMY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV7AA0p1etYpNdoiAGo8dow

SPIRIT TV & RADIO SPIRIT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwOCR7mkmolv7y48HqfAtqg

@EmyHarmony on Telegram

Yoga On-Line: https://t.me/yogaonlineharmony

 You're welcome! Namaste!

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