sâmbătă, 4 martie 2023

Mediteaza cum Respiri si Respira cum Meditezi:

Mediteaza cum Respiri si Respira cum Meditezi




            Acest curs MasterClass este axat pe tehnici de respiratie care sa ne ajute sa respiram si sa meditam intelegand, simtind si controland respiratia, mintea si energiile chakrelor. Sunt tehnici din pranayama dedicate fiecarei chakre, fiecarui organ si blocaj energetic. Le vom practica pe toate, ca sa putem intelege si simti rolul respiratiei in meditatie si a meditatiei atinse dupa tehnicile de respiratie! In acest fel vom putea controla mai usor mintea si energiile chakrelor = pacea si armonia interioara, focusul si introspectia, dar si echilibra si vindeca propriile blocaje energetice si trezi capacitatile proprii unice, mult mai mult decat credeam noi ca suntem in stare pana acuma. Cand treci prin toate cele 4 capacitati respiratorii, prin toate cele 4 nivele respiratorii si prin toti cei 4 timpi ai respiratiei, incepi sa respiri si prin nivelele 5, 6 si 7 ale fiintei. Si in acest fel vei reusi sa poti reinvata sa respiri prin chakre si sa iti poti accesa nivele profunde de meditatie si relaxare si de autovindecare, dincolo de eforturile mintii, ale vointei, egoului, memoriei, experientei, asteptarilor, etc. Pentru ca Energiile Vietii sunt mai profunde ca egoul si ele au aparut primele in fiinta noastra, iar o data accesate ele revin in matca vietii din momentul creatiei divine! Pentru ca vioara accordata a respiratiei, la oceanul eternitatii beatitudinii constiintei divine, reveleaza intotdeauna frumusetea adevarului absolut a prezentei Divinului in noi si prin noi, prin eternul So Ham - Eu sunt Acesta, Eu sunt Calea, Adevarul si Viata...

            Cursul poate fi accesat de toate persoanele care doresc. Nu se vor face sfortari si nici excese, tehnica si corpul ne vor fi maestrii si ne vor ghida spre armonia perfectiunii interioare a vietii universale! Cursul are loc saptamanal online si dureaza o ora. De aceea o perioada din acest curs, vom face GRATUIT primele 30 de minute, iar ultimile 30 de minute vor fi tehnici rezervate celor care se inscriu. Pentru ca e foarte important sa putem urmari realizarea corecta a fiecarei tehnici, va fi obligatorie participarea cu camera video deschisa si practica la unison, de la inceput la sfarsit. La fiecare curs se vor prezenta si notiuni teoretice de pranayama si meditatie, care apoi sa ne ajute in practica directa. Acest curs MasterClass are 3 module si fiecare modul va dura minim 3 luni - in functie si de nivelul general de avansare si aprofundare a practicii.

            Organizator: Emanuel Enache, fondatorul Harmony Yoga Academy si al: Harmony Yoga, Harmony Massage,  Harmony Tantra, Harmony Vastu, Harmony Kundalini Yoga, Harmony Ayurvedic Rasayanas si fondatorul Sistemelor Armoniei Vietii. Practic Yoga de 32 de ani, de la 16 ani, am studiat Yoga cu maestrii din intreaga lume si cu swami din India, de la care am primit intierea pe linia de Kriya Yoga a lui Babaji. Am pregatit peste 50 de traineri de yoga si peste 20 de traineri de tantra in tara si in strainatate si am predat yoga la peste 1.000 de cursanti, avand peste 15.000 de ore de Yoga predate. Am diplome de yoga obtinute in U.K., India si S.U.A. Pe partea de Dezvoltare Personala detin diplome de formator si formator de formatori, cursul de dezvoltare personala, cursuri de NLP, curs de diagnostician intuitiv, cursuri de Profesional Relaxation Therapy, Thay Yoga Massage, Ayurveda, Astrologie, Terapie Subliminala, Cromoterapie, Binaural Therapy Music, Theta Healing si Mindfulness.

Emy Trainer Yoga pe Instagram

https://www.facebook.com/groups/harmonyoga - Harmony Freedom Yoga

Emy Trainer Yoga pe Twitter



@EmyHarmony pe Telegram

Yoga On-Line: https://t.me/yogaonlineharmony

 Alte detalii si inscrieri: harmonyfounderyoga@gmail.com sau la tel: 0724828949.

 Va asteptam cu drag!



Meditate as You Breathe and Breathe as You Meditate:

 Meditate as You Breathe and Breathe as You Meditate



            This MasterClass focuses on breathing techniques to help us breathe and meditate by understanding, feeling and controlling our breath, mind and chakra energies. There are pranayama techniques dedicated to each chakra, organ and energy block. We will practice them all, so that we can understand and feel the role of the breath in meditation and the meditation achieved after the breathing techniques! In this way we will be able to more easily control the mind and chakra energies = inner peace and harmony, focus and introspection, as well as balance and heal our own energy blockages and awaken our own unique capacities, much more than we thought we were capable of before. When you go through all 4 breathing capacities, all 4 breathing levels and all 4 breath timings, you begin to breathe through the 5th, 6th and 7th levels of being. And in this way you will be able to re-learn to breathe through the chakras and access deep levels of meditation and relaxation and self-healing, beyond the efforts of the mind, will, ego, memory, experience, expectations, etc. Because the Energies of Life are deeper than the ego and they appeared first in our being, and once accessed they return to the matrix of life from the moment of divine creation! Because the tuned violin of breath, to the ocean of eternity of the bliss of divine consciousness, always reveals the beauty of the absolute truth of the presence of the Divine in us and through us, through the eternal So Ham - I am It, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life...

            The course can be accessed by all who wish. There will be no effort and no excesses, technique and body will be our masters and will guide us towards the harmony of the inner perfection of universal life! The course takes place weekly online and lasts one hour. That's why for a part of the course, we will do the first 30 minutes for FREE and the last 30 minutes will be techniques reserved for those who sign up. Because it is very important to be able to follow the correct execution of each technique, it will be mandatory to participate with open video camera and practice in unison from start to finish. Theoretical notions of pranayama and meditation will also be presented in each class, which will then help us in direct practice. This MasterClass course has 3 modules and each module will last a minimum of 3 months - depending on the overall level of advancement and deepening of practice.

            Organizer: Emanuel Enache, founder of Harmony Yoga Academy and Harmony Yoga, Harmony Massage, Harmony Tantra, Harmony Vastu, Harmony Kundalini Yoga, Harmony Ayurvedic Rasayanas and founder of Harmony Life Systems. I have been practicing Yoga for 32 years, since the age of 16, I have studied Yoga with masters from all over the world and with swamis from India, from whom I received the Kriya Yoga lineage of Babaji. I have trained over 50 yoga trainers and over 20 tantra trainers in the country and abroad and have taught yoga to over 1,000 students, having taught over 15,000 hours of yoga. I have yoga diplomas obtained in U.K., India and U.S.A. On the Personal Development side I hold diplomas as trainer and trainer of trainers, personal development course, NLP courses, Intuitive Diagnostician course, Professional Relaxation Therapy courses, Thay Yoga Massage, Ayurveda, Astrology, Subliminal Therapy, Chromotherapy, Binaural Therapy Music, Theta Healing and Mindfulness.


Emy Trainer Yoga on Instagram

https://www.facebook.com/groups/harmonyoga - Harmony Freedom Yoga

Emy Trainer Yoga on Twitter



@EmyHarmony on Telegram

Yoga On-Line: https://t.me/yogaonlineharmony

 Further details and registration: harmonyfounderyoga@gmail.com or tel: +040724828949.

 We look forward to seeing you!
