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Curs de Evolutie Spirituala Avansata "Inner Boddhisattva" - Trezirea Constintei Interioare de Bodhisattva
Cursul include:
- cele 12 tehnici de pranayama (sūryabhedana, ujjāyī, sītalī, sītkārī, bhastrikā, bhrāmarī, mūrccā, plāvinī si nāḍīśodhana, candrabhedana, kapalabhāti si respiratia prin chakre) si alte tehnici noi, de pranayama din Himalaya,
- tehnici de purificare si echilibrare a celor 3 plexuri nervoase majore din fiinta - Granthi,
- cea mai veche si mai puternica forma din Salutul Soarelui - Surya Namaskhar
- cele mai avansate tehnici de generare de Ojas in fiinta umana,
- tehnici de control a energiei sexuale - Oli Mudras, in varianta lor traditionala, dar si neo-tantrica,
- tehnici de trezire a celui de al treilea ochi: 3 tehnici ancestrale, foarte vechi, predate in varianta lor atat cea traditionala, dar si moderna: Shanmukhi Mudra, Shambavi Mudra si Tratakam,
- tehnici de lucru cu energiile celor 5 Dhyani Buddhasi,
- tehnici de purificare si tonifiere din Agni, Kundalini si Kriya Yoga,
- initiere si practica in mantrele petalelor chakrelor si in sistemul Matrika Nyasa,
- tehnici de activare a celor 8 Siddhi-uri Majore - puteri paranormale (Ashta Siddhis),
- tehnici de trezire a starii interioare de Boddhisattva - a starii de Budaitate,
- si alte tehnici si informatii despre Boddhisattva din interiorul fiecaruia si despre aceasta traditie milenara.
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Harmony Freedom Yoga
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: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV7AA0p1etYpNdoiAGo8dow
@EmyHarmony pe Telegram
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Advanced Spiritual Evolution Course "Inner Boddhisattva" - Awakening the Inner Bodhisattva Consciousness
The course includes:
- the 12 pranayama techniques (sūryabhedana, ujjāyī, sītalī, sītkārī, bhastrikā, bhrāmarī, mūrccā, plāvinī and nāḍīśodhana, candrabhedana, kapalabhāti and breathing through the chakras) and other new pranayama techniques from the Himalayas,
- purification and balancing techniques of the 3 major nerve plexuses in the being - Granthi,
- the oldest and most powerful form of Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskhar
- the most advanced techniques for generating Ojas in the human being,
- sexual energy control techniques - Oli Mudras, in their traditional, but also neo-tantric version,
- techniques for awakening the third eye: 3 ancestral, very old techniques, taught in both their traditional and modern versions: Shanmukhi Mudra, Shambavi Mudra and Tratakam,
- techniques for working with the energies of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas,
- purification and toning techniques from Agni, Kundalini and Kriya Yoga,
- initiation and practice in the mantras of the chakra petals and in the Matrika Nyasa system,
- techniques for activating the 8 Major Siddhis - paranormal powers (Ashta Siddhis),
- techniques for awakening the inner state of Boddhisattva - the state of Buddhahood,
- and other techniques and information about the Boddhisattva inside everyone and about this millennial tradition.
Emy Trainer Yoga on Instagram
https://www.facebook.com/groups/harmonyoga - Harmony Freedom Yoga
Emy Yoga Trainer on Twitter
: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV7AA0p1etYpNdoiAGo8dow
@EmyHarmony on Telegram
Yoga On-Line: https://t.me/yogaonlineharmony
You're welcome!🙏
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