luni, 6 februarie 2023

Curs de Evolutie Spirituala Avansata "Inner Boddhisattva" - Trezirea Constintei Interioare de Bodhisattva

 Curs de Evolutie Spirituala Avansata "Inner Boddhisattva" - Trezirea Constintei Interioare de Bodhisattva

 Advanced Spiritual Evolution Course "Inner Boddhisattva" - Awakening the Inner Bodhisattva Consciousness (The english announcement is below)

             Cursul se va intinde pe durata minima de 3 luni cat va dura desfasurarea acestor tehnici si etape! Vom lucra o ora, online, pe saptamana. Se vor organiza si mici grupe, dar se poate si 1 la 1. Tehnicile vor fi predate pe masura capacitatii cursantului de asimilare si practica, dar in asa fel incat sa poata fi intelese si practicate corect, cu evaluari lunare, ca sa ajute la o evolutie spirituala armonioasa si echilibrata.

            Cursul include:

- cele 12 tehnici de pranayama (sūryabhedana, ujjāyī, sītalī, sītkārī, bhastrikā, bhrāmarī, mūrccā, plāvinī si nāḍīśodhana, candrabhedana, kapalabhāti si respiratia prin chakre) si alte tehnici noi, de pranayama din Himalaya,

- tehnici de purificare si echilibrare a celor 3 plexuri nervoase majore din fiinta - Granthi,

- cea mai veche si mai puternica forma din Salutul Soarelui - Surya Namaskhar

- cele mai avansate tehnici de generare de Ojas in fiinta umana,

- tehnici de control a energiei sexuale - Oli Mudras, in varianta lor traditionala, dar si neo-tantrica,

- tehnici de trezire a celui de al treilea ochi: 3 tehnici ancestrale, foarte vechi, predate in varianta lor atat cea traditionala, dar si moderna: Shanmukhi Mudra, Shambavi Mudra si Tratakam,

- tehnici de lucru cu energiile celor 5 Dhyani Buddhasi,

- tehnici de purificare si tonifiere din Agni, Kundalini si Kriya Yoga,

- initiere si practica in mantrele petalelor chakrelor si in sistemul Matrika Nyasa,

- tehnici de activare a celor 8 Siddhi-uri Majore - puteri paranormale (Ashta Siddhis),

- tehnici de trezire a starii interioare de Boddhisattva - a starii de Budaitate,

- si alte tehnici si informatii despre Boddhisattva din interiorul fiecaruia si despre aceasta traditie milenara.

             Organizator: Emanuel Enache, fondatorul Harmony Yoga Academy si al: Harmony Yoga, Harmony Massage,  Harmony Tantra, Harmony Vastu, Harmony Kundalini Yoga, Harmony Ayurvedic Rasayanas si fondatorul Sistemelor Armoniei Vietii. Practic Yoga de 32 de ani, de la 16 ani, am studiat Yoga cu maestrii din intreaga lume si cu swami din India, de la care am primit intierea pe linia de Kriya Yoga a lui Babaji. Am pregatit peste 50 de traineri de yoga si peste 20 de traineri de tantra in tara si in strainatate si am predat yoga la peste 1.000 de cursanti, avand peste 15.000 de ore de Yoga predate. Am diplome de yoga obtinute in U.K., India si S.U.A. Pe partea de Dezvoltare Personala detin diplome de formator si formator de formatori, cursul de dezvoltare personala, cursuri de NLP, curs de diagnostician intuitiv, cursuri de Profesional Relaxation Therapy, Thay Yoga Massage, Ayurveda, Astrologie, Terapie Subliminala, Cromoterapie, Binaural Therapy Music, Theta Healing si Mindfulness.

Emy Trainer Yoga on Instagram - Harmony Freedom Yoga

Emy Trainer Yoga pe Twitter



@EmyHarmony pe Telegram

Yoga On-Line:

 Alte detalii si inscrieri: sau la tel: 0724828949.


Va asteptam cu drag!🙏


Advanced Spiritual Evolution Course "Inner Boddhisattva" - Awakening the Inner Bodhisattva Consciousness

 The course will last for a minimum of 3 months, as long as these techniques and stages will take! We will work one hour, online, per week. Small groups will also be organized, but it is also possible 1 to 1. The techniques will be taught according to the student's ability to assimilate and practice, but in such a way that they can be understood and practiced correctly, with monthly evaluations, to help a harmonious and balanced spiritual evolution.

The course includes:

- the 12 pranayama techniques (sūryabhedana, ujjāyī, sītalī, sītkārī, bhastrikā, bhrāmarī, mūrccā, plāvinī and nāḍīśodhana, candrabhedana, kapalabhāti and breathing through the chakras) and other new pranayama techniques from the Himalayas,

- purification and balancing techniques of the 3 major nerve plexuses in the being - Granthi,

- the oldest and most powerful form of Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskhar

- the most advanced techniques for generating Ojas in the human being,

- sexual energy control techniques - Oli Mudras, in their traditional, but also neo-tantric version,

- techniques for awakening the third eye: 3 ancestral, very old techniques, taught in both their traditional and modern versions: Shanmukhi Mudra, Shambavi Mudra and Tratakam,

- techniques for working with the energies of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas,

- purification and toning techniques from Agni, Kundalini and Kriya Yoga,

- initiation and practice in the mantras of the chakra petals and in the Matrika Nyasa system,

- techniques for activating the 8 Major Siddhis - paranormal powers (Ashta Siddhis),

- techniques for awakening the inner state of Boddhisattva - the state of Buddhahood,

- and other techniques and information about the Boddhisattva inside everyone and about this millennial tradition.

 Organizer: Emanuel Enache, founder of Harmony Yoga Academy and of: Harmony Yoga, Harmony Massage, Harmony Tantra, Harmony Vastu, Harmony Kundalini Yoga, Harmony Ayurvedic Rasayanas and founder of Harmony Life Systems. I have been practicing Yoga for 32 years, from the age of 16, I studied Yoga with masters from all over the world and with swamis from India, from whom I received the initiation in Babaji's line of Kriya Yoga. I have trained over 50 yoga trainers and over 20 tantra trainers in the country and abroad and I have taught yoga to over 1,000 students, having taught over 15,000 hours of Yoga. I have yoga degrees obtained in the UK, India and the USA. On the Personal Development side, I hold trainer and trainer of trainers diplomas, personal development course, NLP courses, intuitive diagnostician course, Professional Relaxation Therapy courses, Thay Yoga Massage, Ayurveda, Astrology, Subliminal Therapy, Chromotherapy, Binaural Therapy Music , Theta Healing and Mindfulness.


Emy Trainer Yoga on Instagram - Harmony Freedom Yoga

Emy Yoga Trainer on Twitter



@EmyHarmony on Telegram

Yoga On-Line:

 Other details and registration: or phone: 040 724828949.


You're welcome!🙏


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