MasterClass in Chakra Petal Mantras - Matrika - Nyasa
Activate your Subtle Bodies of Light through Matrika - Nyasa -
practices of the Gods
Saturday, online on zoom, from 4 pm - Romania Time
( at 5,30 pm
The knowledge of the chakras is mentioned everywhere, but less or not at all is explained how they work and especially, very little practiced the levels of awakening and interrelationship of the chakras and the energy petals that compose them. It is important to have a knowledge as close as possible to reality, then a practice that reveals to us what we have intuited and known before and that is based on the ancestral energies of creation and life! Describing, balancing and awakening the petals of each chakra is a very deep and advanced level of Yoga that can show us how our chakras are functioning at their highest level of functioning from the moment of creation and in this way we can feel and balance and awaken our own chakras, capacities and energies even better! Such a system of working with each chakra petal energy has existed for thousands of years: Matrika - Nyasa and in part each of us use it daily, on an unconscious level, when we experience certain states of consciousness that activate, awaken or block these energies of our bodies, from the highest, Divine Light, to the physical body.
I warmly invite you to this holistic, ancestral and unique MasterClass on the planet, at the present time, through which we can begin gradually, harmoniously, dedicated, naturally and deeply, awakening our Bodies of Light and Grace through these techniques and practices specific to the world of the Gods and our Goddess nature, Divine within us!
I say this because we
will be working with the very ancestral mantric energies of the creation of our
Divine perfection! For those who have not yet heard and know anything about
this, it is important to understand that even our physical world and our
physical bodies are held in manifestation by the Vibrations of the Perfection of
Light Perfection and Almighty Divine Love and that, these manifesting
vibrations, at the level of the creation of Cosmic Man have these sacred
mantras, word-energies, formative vibrations that the ancient Yoga tradition is
the only one that has publicly revealed and practiced them since time
The Matrika system,
doubled by the Nyasa system and extended by the Harmony Yoga System has 108
levels of practice and techniques from which we will be able to practice those
levels that will best help us and reveal the levels to which we can advance
together! Because some levels can be explained and practiced on a group level,
then others only one on one and others can only be practiced alone, us with the
In the akashic
chronicles and in some of our past lives, it can be "seen" and felt
in the present, if we have an attraction to these energetic practices! They
have been practiced long ago in Hyperborea, right here in these lands of
Romania, even by some of us who are here today (the name of Romania that if
written anagram or pronounced in the deep energetic language, reveals the word:
Harmony)! Because, these techniques activate and reveal to us the very Harmony
of our Ancestral Divine Perfection, Ultimate, the highest and most powerful, of
Children of Light of the Good Lord and give us back our true brightness and
Divine power of People of Light of the Good Lord and of this Planet, among the
other civilizations of the Universe!
We all know and
intuit that our spiritual evolution can be done partially and fragmented
according to one system or another, but here are systems that lead us to the
highest levels of vibration, understanding, manifestation and especially of
being, of our being and of our humanity! This is such a course that I have worked
on for decades and have structured over time: from my own practice and from
initiations and practices from swami and Yoga practitioners for decades in this
lifetime, so that I can continue what I have practiced in these directions in
other past lifetimes. I'll give you just one example of a revealing
synchronicity that happened to me the day before I began to write the title of
this course.
I was arranging some
Yoga books in my library and a book behind Babaji's picture, on a shelf above
the one I was arranging on, kept slipping horizontally from the end of the row
of books where it was, behind Babaji's picture - it was slipping because I was
putting and taking books from the bottom shelf, but the fact is that it caught
my attention the second time when it lay on the shelf and Babaji's picture fell
face up on top of the book... While I was arranging the books, I had in my mind
a part of the announcement of this course and I had already put aside two Yoga
treatises, received from India, about these techniques. And I pick up the book,
I easily recognize it, it was the book: " Yoga practices" by Titi Tudorancea
written in 1993 and which was one of the first Yoga books I read and received
as a gift, by mail (even today I don't know how the Information Society sent me
all their books and newspapers for free, when I was in high school - since I
was 16 years old many of my memories of my previous Tibetan yogic veins had
already activated in successive waves). And in the book I see, pulled out, on
page 101, a bookmark, left by me even then, exactly in the chapter where part
of this complex Matrika system was presented, and where, even then, I was
reminded that even now, from the subtle, to deepen the mantras of the chakra
petals and the light structures of the human being! And to this I will add,
during the course, other accounts, of the subtle guides - like this one, down
to the physical plane, of logic and of the undeniable reality of divinely
inspired synchronizations - when, with the direct initiation received on the
line of Kriya Yoga manifested by Babaji, and other direct initiations of swamis
from India, the structure and depth of this course has gained reality, power
and efficiency, from top to bottom and from bottom to top...
This course will also
offer an initiation into mantra and yantra and how to access and relate to the
great Yoga master: Babaji, who has been alive for thousands of years and whose
help is directed to the present humanity and through this course, to help us
live again, the highest levels of human and universal spirituality! Many times
Bababji has repeated this admonition to me, that any human being can practice
the higher levels of Yogai - even if he cannot go to India or have an Indian
master, because the life energies are universally accessible and in this way,
in time Babaji wants to show the Indian world that Yoga is a universal gift, a
science of life that can only be subjected to the dogmatic rigor of certain
schools or traditions that have reached their limits, precisely to push from
outside India - as these last 50 years show - that Yoga can be practiced
anywhere and by anyone! In this way even some limitations given by a tradition
or geographical location or culture can be transcended, solely for the benefit
of all humanity and including the benefit of Yoga practice in India and the
world today. There are levels of omniscient understanding and ubiquity that
will be gradually revealed by the great spirits who have been and are always in
the service of humanity!
I would also like a
few important points to be understood from the very beginning:
1. the insinuation and the knowledge and especially the practice of
this system of the mantras of the energies of our Divine creation is an immense
chance of spiritual evolution in which you alone can begin to make
"direct" contact from the level of the awakening of the present
consciousness with the levels of the manifestation of our Divine Self, from the
level of creation and being.
2. The understanding and knowledge and especially the practice of this
system of the mantras of the energies of our Divine creation is in itself a
spiritual path, which will open to each participant, according to his own
aspiration, practice and physical, energetic and spiritual purity, gifts and
awakenings, experiences and understandings, ecstasies and infinite bliss that
will open us direct and direct access to our highest and most ancestral bodies
of Divine Light, which have sustained this body, but also our Self's journey
through all these lives - precisely in search of Divine perfection forgotten by
us, but treated as being moment by moment.
3. the understanding and knowledge and especially the practice of this
system of the mantras of the energies of our Divine creation brings with it a
harmonious and graded path of self-healing and karma burning, of awakening of
the Supramental and of gradual access to the consciousness and memory of
previous lives and even to the energies of our Divine creation, since the very
first creation of our individual Self.
4. the understanding and knowledge and especially the practice of this
system of the mantras of the energies of our Divine creation will help us
enormously as an awakening of clairvoyance and ancestral wisdom, and in this
way we will begin to realize where we are on the ladder of our spiritual
evolution and what are the obstacles, but especially the windows, the doors of
spiritual leap not only for this life, but for the whole structure of our
Divine Self and its directions of manifestation, starting from the very beginning
of the settings of our creation!
5. the understanding and knowledge and especially the practice of this
system of mantras of the energies of our Divine creation will help us to be
able to practice by ourselves in time this system and universal language of the
energies of Creation, not only of the human being, being a universal language
of the godly, angelic and higher astral worlds!
6. the teaching and knowledge and especially the practice of this
system of mantras of the energies of our Divine creation will also be done with
the help of the groups formed during the time of this course - both through
some synchronized group practices and with the help of other energies of light
and fire, with the help of certain planetary archetypal vowels and sounds, with
the help of certain crystals and orgone pyramids charged specifically with the
energy of these mantras - so that we can help each other to a certain level in
this life and in the next ones. (We will talk about these techniques and energy
structures that are also valid in the lives between lives in later modules of
this course).
7. the introduction and knowledge and especially the practice of this
system of the mantras of the energies of our Divine creation is so thought out
and taught that it cannot harm anyone or be deviated - once because the system
is already millennia old and then, each one will be able to be guided
personally and will be able to be guided by the voice of the inner Master in
the intensity and perseverance of his personal practice. There will be Yoga
techniques, questionnaires and diaries for self-objectivization and
self-control of the chakra energies.
8. instilling and knowing and especially practicing this system of the
mantra energies of our Divine creation may bring to the surface certain karmic
and energetic purifications, but there are already helpful techniques and steps
for each of them. And when preparing to reach a new level of the course or
group, Yoga techniques - asanas and pranayama, dedicated breathing and
meditation techniques, will also be realized to help and support each stage and
each body of our being, starting with the physical body and moving up to the
causal body.
9. instilling and knowing and especially practicing this system of
mantra energies of our Divine creation will awaken Divine abilities,
clear-senses, knowledge and talents in our being and in our past lives after
the first weeks of practice.
10. The introduction and knowledge and especially the practice of this
system of the mantras of the energies of our Divine creation will be
facilitated also by recommendations of Ayurvedic herbs to help the feeling of
our own energies and by the use of chromotherapy, vocalization therapy and the
modulation of some helpful frequencies, with the help of frequency emitting
devices like Spooky, as well as radionic and orgone boxes, and as a novelty we
will also use the musical equivalents of the chakra energies detailed as Tana's
in the secret treatise Gitalamkara and the tattvic synchronizations to work
with these energies of the petal mantras. There will also be access to some
movies and books on these topics.
Many aspirants to spirituality are traveling from
the bottom up, forgetting the spiritual evolution from the top down! This is
also due to the fact that certain energetic structures of the current being and
physical body are either insufficiently awakened, or they are too much
disturbed (and it would take too much time and energy to repair them) and then
the preparation of the Light bodies and the next reincarnations will be done
much better thanks to these spiritual practices, because the balancing and even
the extension of this life is already done from the top down, from the astral
planes, not only with the energies of the physical world!
Organizational Details: the course will be held online, on zoom, every Saturday after lunch at 4 pm - Romania Time (, for a minimum of 1 hour of practice, with the possibility of extending it by answering questions. The first module is 4 months. Questions and reports can be sent in person after the course. During the course there will be no interruptions, no questions will be answered, until after the practice hour.
More groups may be started, depending on what
everyone can do. But these will be details later. The course will also be held
in English for my students abroad. Because I also intend to train trainers to
teach online all over the world this course and these levels of knowledge and
practice, which are composed of 3 modules. We will also have guests, people who
have been working for decades with these energies and trainees with whom we
have been practicing these techniques for years.
I ask that each person who wants to participate to
contact me directly to talk before the course. In this way I want to get to
know each other and to be able to choose my students. There will be three
levels of modest donation, as energy exchange and mutual aid, everyone will be
able to choose the one they want - details of which will be sent to those
interested in attending, along with the zoom link. In the summer of 2025 I will
organize more retreats, monthly and on these themes, so that we can also
practice live!
Organizer: Emanuel Enache, founder of Harmony Yoga,
Harmony Yoga Academy, Insight Chakra Design - Inner Chakra Mandala, promoter of
the International Yogai Land and the Institute of Creative Visualization. I
have been practicing Yoga for 30 years, since the age of 16, I have studied
Yoga and with masters and swamis from India and around the world, I have
trained over 50 Yoga trainers in the country and abroad, most of them are
already teaching Yoga and I have taught Yoga to over 1,000 students, I have
over 10,000 hours of Yoga taught. I have yoga diplomas obtained in U.K., India
and USA. On the Personal Development side I have diplomas as a trainer and
trainer of trainers, personal development course, NLP courses, intuitive
diagnostician course, Professional Relaxation Therapy, Ayurveda, Astrology,
Subliminal Therapy, Chromotherapy, Binaural Therapy Music, Theta Healing and
Emanuel Enache: "For me Yoga represents human life in its
Instagram: Emy Trainer Yoga, Twitter: Emy Trainer Yoga
Reservations and details at: +40724828949 and by e-mail:
We look forward to welcoming you! Namaste!
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